
My mistakes were made for you.


Ainda estou um bocado em choque.
Arctic Monkeys cá
Nem há uma semana eu pedi tanto para eles vê-los e puft.
Outro, dos meus amores
Mon petit depuis ce matin k'ai traine comme un cretin au niveau du caniveau. De Montparnasse a Chateau d'Eau j'ai bu des verres, des verres, et puis des verres, Zubrowska, Riesling, Piper. A court de tout a bout de moi je suis revenu chez toi. Moi je voulais juste, un corps je cherchais seulement des bras, un lit de reconfort des delices sous les draps, mais helas au lieu de ça j'ai cru entendre "Je t'aime". J'ai pense "C'est son probleme. J'ai cru entendre "Je t'aime". J'ai pense "C'est son probleme". Peu importe que tu y crois. Peu importe que je sois a bout de moi, a court de tout, mais pas de ça entre nous.


Love of mine someday you will die.

Noémi arranja alguma coisa para fazer senão morres dos pulmões.
Malditos domingos.


Um dos meus amores
Coisa ainda mais estúpida, passam prai 15 minutos desde o que meti aqui anteriormente e marca apenas só mais um minuto? Oh vou masé sair daqui.
E agora 17:35 blog mais estúpido. Provavelmente isto está a acontecer porque tenho em alguma opção as horas trocadas ou assim, não sei. Só sei que quero dormir, não consigo e como não tenho mais nada para fazer só digo merda neste sitio de merda.

PS: Aposto que agora vai marcar 17:40
E porque razão isto diz que a minha mensagem foi publicada as 17:30 quando isso não é verdade?
Estou cheia de sono e não consigo dormir. Raios parta.


Quem me dera ver estes bebés...
Passagem de ano onde? Em paris


Mr. Darcy: You must know... surely, you must know it was all for you. You are too generous to trifle with me. I believe you spoke with my aunt last night, and it has taught me to hope as I'd scarcely allowed myself before. If your feelings are still what they were last April, tell me so at once. My affections and wishes have not changed, but one word from you will silence me forever. If, however, your feelings have changed, I will have to tell you: you have bewitched me, body and soul, and I love, I love, I love you. I never wish to be parted from you from this day on.
Não dá para não gostar de ti. Não dá Richard Ashcroft.
The human condition, the big decisions.


Vou matar todos os mosquitos do mundo.
Quem é que chora com este filme? Ninguém. Acho que sou um bocado triste.
Cole Sear: You know the accident up there?
Lynn Sear: Yeah.
Cole Sear: Someone got hurt.
Lynn Sear: They did?
Cole Sear: A lady. She died.
Lynn Sear: Oh, my god. What, you can see her?
Cole Sear: Yes.
Lynn Sear: Where is she?
Cole Sear: Standing next to my window.
Lynn Sear: Cole, you're scaring me.
Cole Sear: They scare me too sometimes.
Lynn Sear: They?
Cole Sear: Ghosts.


Like brothers on a hotel bed
You may tire of me as our December sun is setting because I'm not who I used to be.


Os apetites ainda não passaram por isso...

Apetece-me um crepe com 3 bolas de gelado, 2 montinhos de chantily e amêndoa raspada.
So much has been said about the girls over the years. But we have never found an answer. It didn't matter in the end how old they had been, or that they were girls... but only that we had loved them... and that they hadn't heard us calling... still do not hear us calling them from out of those rooms... where they went to be alone for all time... and where we will never find the pieces to put them back together.
São 4h e 27min. Estou cheia de dores na minha perna direita. Não consigo dormir.


Sheets of empty canvas, untouched sheets of clay... Were laid spread out before me as her body once did. Oh all five horizons revolved around her soul as the earth to the sun. Now the air I tasted and breathed has taken a turn. Oh and all I taught her... Was everything. Oh I know she gave me all that she wore and now my bitter hands chafe beneath the clouds of what was everything? All the pictures have all been washed in black, tattooed everything. I take a walk outside, I'm surrounded by some kids at play. I can feel their laughter so why do I sear? Oh and twisted thoughts that spin 'round my head. I'm spinning, oh, I'm spinning. How quick the sun can drop away. And now my bitter hands... Cradle broken glass of what was everything? All the pictures have, all been washed in black, tattooed everything. All the love gone bad. Turned my world to black, tattooed all I see, all that I am, all I'll be... I know someday you'll have a beautiful life. I know you'll be a star, in somebody else's sky. But why, why, why can't it be, oh can't it be mine?

Apetece-me estar cheia de apetites, foda-se.


E apetece-me também estar completamente enterrada no sofá a ver into the wild para chorar um bocadinho e arrepiar com a banda sonora.
Hoje apetece-me estar contigo.
I love the sound of you walking away.

you walking away.


Juno: I think I'm in love with you.
Paulie: You mean as friends?
Juno: No... I mean for real. 'Cause you're, like, the coolest person I've ever met, and you don't even have to try, you know...
Paulie: I try really hard, actually.

And true love waits in haunted attics. And true love lives on lollipops and crisps. And true love waits in haunted attics. And true love lives on lollipops and crisps. And true love waits in haunted attics. And true love lives on lollipops and crisps. And true love waits in haunted attics. And true love lives on lollipops and crisps. And true love waits in haunted attics. And true love lives on lollipops and crisps. And true love waits in haunted attics. And true love lives on lollipops and crisps. And true love waits in haunted attics. And true love lives on lollipops and crisps. And true love waits in haunted attics. And true love lives on lollipops and crisps. And true love waits in haunted attics.
No dia 10 de Dezembro vai haver Amor.


I already miss you.


In my imagination you're waiting lying on your side.


Ecos de risos, sinfonias de gritos.
Como sangue na barriga de mosquitos.
Hoje preciso de mim.
Mostra o teu jogo. Eu pago para ver.